An Interview with Jen Sugermeyer of ATA Cosmetics

An Interview with Jen Sugermeyer of ATA Cosmetics

  • By - The Modern Day Wife
  • 17 July, 2024

We had the wonderful opportunity to interview Jen Sugermeyer, Founder and CEO of ATA Cosmetics. Follow along for the Q&A!

What inspired you to start your own business, and how has that initial inspiration evolved as your company has grown?

I've always known I had a bigger calling than corporate. I overcame my own personal struggle and battle with alcohol and got sober in 2018. Through that process, I realized we control 3 things: our attitude, thoughts and actions. When we focus on these three things, we get in the driver's seat of our lives. This is the premise of ATA Cosmetics: we're about elevating experiences!

What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as an entrepreneur, and how have you overcome them?

Managing my own expectations of wanting to get farther faster. I have to celebrate all wins, big and small.

Can you share a pivotal moment or decision that significantly impacted the trajectory of your business?

After I got sober, I was writing books and doing motivational speaking. After COVID hit, I realized I needed to get creative with how I reached people since stages were not readily available. Most of us do some level of skincare, and if I could teach people about the intangible (mindset and happiness) through the tangible (skincare and cosmetics), then I could reach more people. The Jade Applicator was the pivot. I didn't set out to create it, it just happened. When I realized I'd invented a revolutionary tool, I decided to create ATA Cosmetics.

In today's rapidly changing market landscape, how do you stay innovative and adaptable to ensure your business remains competitive?

For ATA Cosmetics, it's about assessing what in my own physical body is changing and finding a solution.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are just starting their own journey?

Your vision was given to you for a reason. Not everyone will see it so prove it. Get used to hearing "NO" and know that every "NO" gets you closer to a "YES". Don't take offense, use it to fuel you!


Stay in touch with Jen and ATA Cosmetics @ata.cosmetics!