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Meet Our "IT" Women of 2021! Featuring: Jane Stoller

  • By - The Modern Day Wife
  • 27 November, 2021

Say Hello to Jane Stoller...aka Organized Jane!

Jane loves to help others realize and turn their dreams into reality through getting organized.

Though Jane did not grow up in an overly organized home, she knew that organization was her thing! At the age of six, Jane remembers organizing her cats by size, finding it frustrating when they wouldn’t stay put. As Jane grew up, organizing her closet became her “secret” hobby--sometimes she felt lame for telling her friends she was staying home on a Saturday night to reorganize her closet.

In 2017, she turned that hobby and passion into her very own business.

Jane is an author, speaker, and life and business organizer. Her mission is to leverage your unique business and help you scale by getting organized. Using skills that she hones as a former process consultant, Jane has created a simple six step process to help you finally reduce business overwhelm and get organized, so that your business can flourish and grow!! 

Jane’s signature program is her Business Booster. This is a course for anyone who feels overwhelmed and knows they need to be better organized in their life and business...sign me up!

Jane is a firm believer that organization can and will improve every aspect of your life, especially your career and relationships. 

“We all want less stress, more time, increased productivity, and boosted confidence. I'm passionate about inspiring people to get organized, and love giving actionable tips on how to get there.” --Jane Stoller

Jane even gave us 3 basic tips to get started! 

1) Organize your closet:

“A laser focused closet ensures that you are on the way to a structured system-driven office space.”

2) Clean up your Space:

 “Ensure that your living and workspace fit your lifestyle and that there is no clutter lingering in either space...The most important thing is that the items you keep need to fit your lifestyle and business routines...if they don’t, they’re better off somewhere else.”

3) Eliminate Tasks:

 “Automate and Outsource. Usually, clutter starts to pile up because a task takes too long, or we don’t like doing the task. Even small routine tasks can cause a mess because we don’t like to do these things in the first place. Take a hard look at your routines and systems, scrutinize where your time is best spent and if a task or duty could be performed by someone else, automate it or even eliminate it completely.”

You can find more tips and resources on

Jane has a BIG vision for Organized Jane. She is working on some tangible organization products and another book to help grow her course in 2022. She is also looking to settle down and nurture her relationship in her personal life. 

Through her experience, Jane has come to realize the importance and power in following your passion. She strongly encourages you to NEVER devalue your passion. 

I could have easily given up on making organizing my career, but I trusted my intuition, sought mentorship and coaching, and created a business doing what I love. That's not to say it wasn't difficult - there are still many days I feel in over my head. But the more I practice what I preach, and stay organized in all areas of my life, the more confident I feel that I can keep going. Remind yourself that you're exactly where you need to be, and that you have everything you need inside you already.” --Jane Stoller