New Year Goals: Let's Get Realistic

New Year Goals: Let's Get Realistic

  • By - The Modern Day Wife
  • 21 February, 2021

So it’s the nearing the end of February and you haven't stuck to your goals as much as you had hoped. Maybe you never even created any for the new year. I think the idea of starting fresh on the first day of a new year sounds terrific, but is it realistic?

January always creates a lot of pressure for people. It is the month to get your life back in order, start that new workout routine, read that new book, start eating healthier. It can be very overwhelming. Starting over with a new year can be quite refreshing and it offers a lot of hope for the future. If we didn’t have that hope and refresh button, then we would never set goals in the first place. 

But please do not beat yourself up if you want to start a new goal right now. I believe if you want to work towards something, you should start regardless of what month or day it is. We always wait for the perfect or right moment to start a new goal or try something new. I say, if you are motivated enough to even create this goal, there is never a better time to start than now. 

Also, don’t feel the pressure to come up with elaborate, unattainable goals. Starting small such as drinking more water or being better at checking your email inbox are great ways to ease yourself into setting even bigger goals.

The past year and a half has been a big adjustment for everyone. Every person had to rearrange their life in some type of way and that definitely means we all deserve a little credit. No matter how small or big, don’t feel like you have failed on your goals for 2021 quite yet. We still have majority of the year to go, so make it a great one!