Planning A Staycation

Planning A Staycation

  • By - The Modern Day Wife
  • 11 November, 2021

Planning A Staycation 

Traveling is back in action after two long years! Phew! Europe and Canada are finally and slowly letting people back in. It feels wonderful to just be in an international airport. However, sometimes we may not be up for a big trip...just yet. Staying in your city or resorting to a cabin out of the city feels absolutely relaxing at this moment. For now, we’re going to give into staying at home. You might wonder what a staycation looks like? Or with all the time I have, what will I do? Here is a curated list of potential things to do on your staycation. 

  1. RELAX. Sometimes, this is hard. We’re so used to the hustle and at times, it’s hard to turn off the hustle. Regardless, try to relax! Take a bath, sleep in for another hour (if possible) or take an hour to just read a book. 
  2. Clean! Honestly this might be the only time you can clean the house before the major holiday and big parties arrive. A deep clean of the house, yard or the garage is a task that has been put off for some while, this would be the perfect time! 
  3. Explore your own city. There’s probably been an influx of new businesses opening so why not explore your own city, support small business and even gather some early Christmas gifts. 
  4. Movies and snacks. If you’re a homebody, you probably love staying at home, how about watching some new movies/shows. Of course, you have to hit up your favorite grocery store for snacks i.e. We love Trader Joe’s. 
  5. Call your best friends. Again, we are busy bees. Call your best friend, mom or siblings, catch up with them. Better yet, go out on a coffee date, grab a drink. Catching up with close ones is one of things we cherish, so go make it happen. 

There you have it, this is just the tip of iceberg. You can do whatever your heart desires during a staycation. Just remember, rejuvenate and recharge, folks!