5 Tips to Spring Clean Your Closet

5 Tips to Spring Clean Your Closet

  • By - The Modern Day Wife
  • 05 March, 2021

Flowers are starting to bloom. The lizards begin to show their faces. The bees and hummingbirds are back. Ahh, spring is near! At least for us in Southern California, that is. We love that the sun is staying out longer, our days are extending, and we are seeing much more of nature. The beginning of spring sometimes encourages us to start fresh – beginning with: our closet! A new beginning means maybe it’s time to clean up your closet and even get some new clothes. But, where to start? Here are 5 tips to help you start spring cleaning your wardrobe

1. Cleanse your closet

It may be a clear tip, but you have to cleanse your closet of any clothes, accessories or anything you may not want. Just instantly grab what you do not like or love, or what you have not worn in years, and honestly, just throw it on the floor. Once done, throw it all in a bag, tie up the bag, and do not look back!
Part 1 is done. Now we have to confront the dirt and hair balls left on your closet floor. Yes, we know about those. Get your vacuum and get busy. Windex the shelves, do whatever it takes to give your closet a facelift. It needs it. 
Now, onto what to do with those clothes? Donate them, bring them to the Salvation Army, Dress for Success, your cousin’s house. Whatever you want. Just get them out of your house and do not peak into that bag! 

2. Don’t let anxiety take over

If you feel that you are throwing away too many things or you feel that you are keeping too many things, just try the items out. We can get anxious when we are deciding to throw away our once beloved items. You may get the recurring thought “but I might wear this again!” Anxiety is a feeling that everyone experiences, but don’t let it stop you from organizing your closet and getting rid of items that do not fit or just really are not your style at this point in your life.

3. Shop

No, I don’t mean buy new clothes or new items to make your closet feel full. What I mean is buy hangers, storage boxes, cute labels, or anything else that you think you may need in order to help you successfully organize your closet. You may want to buy small boxes from the container store or amazon so that you can organize your smaller items (jewelry, scarfs, belts). If you don’t want to put your shoes in boxes, buy a wood shoe organizer or one that hangs over the door.  

4. Group items

Once you finished your purge and freshened up your closet, it is now the time to organize! Sometimes people separate their closet by season. For example, you can organize certain items together like winter long sleeves or summer tops. You can either fold them to keep them together or hang them. If you decide to hang your items, you can hang them by season so that you can see clearly what you are going to wear that season. 

5. Keep Tidy

You have to try and be committed to keeping your closet organized. Of course there are days when you will be in a rush and just grab things or throw things inside, but you have to then make time to tidy it up and keep it clean. Keeping your closet tidy will help you from having a bigger mess when the next spring cleaning comes around. 

Spring cleaning and purging your closet can be hard! But, it’s usually vital and the feeling you will get upon completing this reorganize is priceless. It will all be worth it in the end. Especially as you now know where everything is. The thought! So, remember to keep these tips in mind when you are spring cleaning for the first time or when doing it again.