TMDW Interviews Alexia Melocchi of Little Studio Films

TMDW Interviews Alexia Melocchi of Little Studio Films

  • By - The Modern Day Wife
  • 08 August, 2024

Here at The Modern Day Wife, we had the lovely opportunity to interview Alexia Melocchi of Little Studio Films. Read below to find out more!

What inspired you to start your own business, and how has that initial inspiration evolved as your company has grown?

I wanted to champion international storytellers and women in film. My company as a result has grown and expanded into podcasting and book publishing on top of global production and distribution of motion pictures and television series.

What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as an entrepreneur, and how have you overcome them?

Working with no operating capital. I'd always had to push myself to earn five times more than I needed in order to reinvest in my own company and growth activities and give myself the luxury of saying YES only to projects, people and ventures that align with my values.

Can you share a pivotal moment or decision that significantly impacted the trajectory of your business?

It happened when I realized that after 25 years successfully making an impact in Hollywood through my films and the artists I worked with, I was actually my own brand and people wanted to hear from me on "how I did it" and gain invaluable access to insider information. When I saw how I changed people's lives as a result of that trajectory change I knew I was on the right track.

In today's rapidly changing market landscape, how do you stay innovative and adaptable to ensure your business remains competitive?

I rely heavily on real and authentic connections and becoming an advocate of impactful storytelling with a consistent use of personal branding and messaging that adds value.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are just starting their own journey?

Keep leveling up. Be open to learning from those that have done it before you. Have a clear why that you know for sure will get you through the hard times, and believe in collaboration, not competition.

Keep up to date with all things Alexia Melocchi and Little Studio Films @alexiamelocchireal