Interviewing Cori Stuckey of SoCal Gluten Free and The Gluten Free Pop Up

Interviewing Cori Stuckey of SoCal Gluten Free and The Gluten Free Pop Up

  • By - The Modern Day Wife
  • 08 August, 2024

The Modern Day Wife recently had the chance to chat with Cori Stuckey of SoCal Gluten Free and to learn more about The Gluten Free Pop Up. Read below to learn more!

What inspired you to start your own business, and how has that initial inspiration evolved as your company has grown?

My inspiration to start SoCal Gluten Free stemmed from my personal struggles with finding safe and reliable gluten-free options. Navigating a gluten-free diet due to allergies and health challenges, I realized how difficult it was for individuals like myself to locate gluten-free-friendly places and products. This motivated me to create a comprehensive resource for others facing similar challenges. As the company has grown, this initial inspiration has evolved into a broader mission of not only providing information but also fostering a supportive community. Through initiatives like The Gluten Free Pop-Up, we now actively promote small businesses and create spaces for individuals with gluten sensitivities to connect and thrive.

What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as an entrepreneur, and how have you overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges I've faced as an entrepreneur is raising awareness and building a strong community around a niche market. Initially, it was difficult to reach and engage with our target audience. However, by leveraging social media and strategic marketing, we were able to increase our visibility and connect with individuals who share our mission. Another challenge has been organizing and managing large-scale events like The Gluten Free Pop-Up. Overcoming this required meticulous planning, strong organizational skills, and a dedicated team. Through consistent effort and learning from each event, we've been able to streamline our processes and host successful events that benefit both vendors and attendees.

Can you share a pivotal moment or decision that significantly impacted the trajectory of your business?

A pivotal moment for SoCal Gluten Free was the decision to launch The Gluten Free Pop-Up events. This initiative not only expanded our reach but also provided a tangible platform for local businesses to showcase their gluten-free offerings. It transformed our brand from being just an online resource to a community-centric organization. The positive feedback from vendors and attendees reinforced the importance of these events, leading us to make them a central part of our mission. This decision significantly boosted our growth and cemented our role as a key player in the gluten-free community.

In today's rapidly changing market landscape, how do you stay innovative and adaptable to ensure your business remains competitive?

To stay innovative and adaptable, we continuously monitor trends in the gluten-free and broader food industries. We actively engage with our community on social media to gather insights and feedback, allowing us to respond quickly to their needs.

Additionally, we embrace digital tools and platforms to enhance our marketing strategies and event planning processes. By staying connected with both our audience and industry developments, we can anticipate changes and adapt our offerings accordingly. Our commitment to innovation is also reflected in our events, where we consistently introduce new vendors and experiences to keep things fresh and exciting for our attendees.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are just starting their own journey?

My advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to stay true to your vision and be prepared for challenges along the way. Passion and perseverance are key. Don't be afraid to take risks and make decisions that align with your core values and mission. Building a strong network and seeking mentorship can provide invaluable support and guidance. Additionally, be adaptable and open to learning from your experiences. Every setback is an opportunity to grow and improve. Finally, focus on creating value for your community or customers; their satisfaction and engagement will drive your success.

To follow along with all things SoCal Gluten Free and learn more about the Gluten Free Pop Up, find them on Instagram at @socalgf and @theglutenfreepopup!

Also find a video of one of their recent event recaps here!