Tips on Starting Your Own Business: Delush's Journey to Success
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Thinking of starting your own business, but need a little motivation to get going? If your answer is “yes” then you’re in the right place. We recently chatted with Delush and got the low down on starting your own business and some advice to keep new entrepreneurs motivated. Delush is a lifestyle and wellness brand that incorporates hemp into everyday self-care products. They make products such as bath bombs, soap scrubs, and body butter and their products are handmade, animal cruelty-free, and all natural. Keep reading to hear all about Delush’s journey to success and tips and advice on starting your own business.
How did Delush come about?
By accident. We were playing around with making infused bath bombs and quickly saw a need for CBD wellness products. We built Delush with the idea to empower our sisters, friends and women to be comfortable with who they are and to let them know that it’s ok to have a little aid along the way. Like many women, we struggle and grow through insecurities, anxiety and all the weight and pressures of the modern world.
What are the biggest challenges you face?
We have a really tough time getting our products into mainstream wellness shops to broaden our community. Often we have customers asking why we’re not stocked in more brick and mortar stores.
Has COVID affected Delush in any way? What advice do you have for someone looking to start a business during these unprecedented times?
Covid has affected us more positively. More and more people are looking for natural alternatives to combat anxiety, especially during covid. We were also able to pivot our business during the initial stage of covid to produce hand sanitizers for the community. One of the challenges we faced during covid was delayed shipping times for our customers and the shortage of packaging. We’ve learned to keep an excess of supplies on hand, in case another wave hits.
How did Delush build a community of loyal customers? What are some ways small business owners can effectively grow their following?
We keep It real, 100% of the time and make business decisions with pure intentions. We always stay authentic to our values and mission and are transparent with our community. Advice we’d give business owners is, don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. When things get foggy, bring it back to your values and ask if your decisions are aligning with your WHY. When you’re operating from a place of pure intentions, you’ll attract the community that aligns with you and don’t need to buy followers ☺ The goal at the end of the day is to have an engaged community who will come back for your products, not the number of followers on your profile.
Do you recommend self-funding a new business or seeking out loans and/or grants?
If you’re in a position to be able to self-fund your new business, definitely try to do it on your own. ALWAYS search for business grants, it’s free money. If it makes more sense for you to seek a loan, try to pay it off as soon as you can so you can continue to build your business, debt-free.
What are 3 things you wish you knew before starting a business?
1. There are a lot of business grants out there; search for them and apply for what you can. It’s FREE MONEY
2. How to write a business plan and refer to it when you’re stuck
3. Keeping your books tight on on-point from the start so you don’t have to go back and enter things in when it gets overwhelming
What keeps the Delush team motivated?
We LIVE for feedback and reviews from our community. We’re pretty blessed to have a loyal, amazing community supporting us. Those DMs and emails that tell us our products have made a difference in someone’s life is why we do it.
Where do you find inspiration?
What advice could you give to anyone looking to start a business?
Do your research and just take the leap. When it works out, it’ll change your life. If it doesn’t, learn from it and try again.
Head over to to shop their quality CBD products and be sure to check out their Instagram to stay up to date with the Delush community!

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