Meet IT Woman: Angela Fiore

Meet IT Woman: Angela Fiore

  • By - The Modern Day Wife
  • 26 July, 2023
In honor of our "Out Of Office" IT Box, our IT Box Summer Edit for 2023, we're thrilled to bring to you this Q & A with one our IT Women! Please meet Angela Fiore!
1)     Could you tell us about yourself and what initially inspired you to become a blogger and an influencer? How did you get started in the industry?
I am a Stay At Home Mom of four, and I have been a SAHM now for the past fifteen years. I have two girls and two boys, and I was inspired to become a blogger/influence when my oldest daughter, ten at the time, asked if all moms have to stay home and just fold laundry all day. Hahaha I wanted her to see how many amazing things moms can be involved in, and accomplish in their communities, and even globally, while personally still staying home and caring for her and her siblings. I looked to other super influential mama bloggers online, and learned from what I saw them do. I am especially inspired by women founders; boss babes and entrepreneurs! 
2)     How important is it to you to collaborate with other women bloggers or women creators in your overall influencer journey, and how do you approach such partnerships?
I absolutely LOVE collaborating with other women creators of all professions and lifestyles so much!! The network and friendships I have made over the past few years is so special to me, and I wish I had had such a strong community of women supporting me, and cheering me on my daily life from the very early years of my motherhood journey.
3)     How do you navigate the evolving landscape of sponsored content and ensure transparency with your audience? What recommendations would you give to women influencers that are just starting out?
Sponsored content is a main and important part of an influencers career. I personally am inspired greatly by other influencers and the work they do in marketing and promoting brands! I have discovered tons of my now favorite products by seeing them being used and promoted by my fave influencers!
When I do sponsored content, I only promote brands I’ve tested myself and love, I would advise women influencers who are just starting out, to promote products they love, even if they’re not being sponsored. This builds community well.
4)     How do you balance maintaining a consistent brand image while still allowing room for growth and exploring new content areas?
I am constantly navigating how to niche down to a more specific space. I believe my creative free expression mind makes it harder for me to stay in very narrow specific brand parameters. But I do know that the women who achieve this do really well, I’d say best!
5)     Can you talk about any challenges or obstacles you've faced as an influencer and how you overcame them? 
Some of the challenges I’ve faced as an influencer have been trying to juggle being a busy mom of four and working from home. Time management is what I work on daily! 
There you have it! Grab your IT Box on our web site and share your unboxing stories with us on Instagram @themoderndaywife and make sure to follow Angela at @fioreclaire !