Post Thanksgiving Moment

Post Thanksgiving Moment

  • By - The Modern Day Wife
  • 27 November, 2021

Thanksgiving is behind us, let’s rest for a moment. 

Let’s be honest, the weeks gearing up towards Thanksgiving have been quite intense! Whether we’re hosting or not, it can be hectic, especially the immediate days leading up to the party.


Plus, with COVID having been a thing the past couple of years, we may or may not have been able to see our family members or close friends. So it definitely could have been an emotional Thanksgiving for some.

It may have been your first Thanksgiving that you hosted. I assume you are still recovering as I write this blog! The clean-up can last several days, the dishwasher runs at least two times. The wine glasses have to be hand cleaned. It is really quite the ordeal!

We know this day is all about gratitude and being surrounded by loved ones. So, try to express that or enjoy this time period as much as you can. 

So for those of you who did just host your first Thanksgiving or are just recovering from a busy few days, take this weekend to relax and rest. The next few weeks will not slow down!! And, Modern Day Wife wants to tell you, you did it! So, put on those silky PJ’s, get a bottle of wine, and enjoy a movie in! As our mothers would tell us, enjoy today’s moments and gratitude, tomorrow is another day.